Springfield's Top Accounting Practice

Simpson Tax


Simpson Tax provides the best tax services in Springfield. We offer a turnkey solution for personal and corporate taxation alike. Utilizing TaxDome, your firm can be virtual & organized, just like we are!


Simpson Tax is powered by TaxDome.


Practice area

Estate Planner


Clients will come to estate planners to provide guidance as to the most appropriate type of trust(s) and/or will(s) to meet their succession and tax goals, as well as for preparation of the required documents. Estate planners will also handle probate and  trust administration (as applicable) once a client dies. For wealthier clients, an estates attorney may, among other more sophisticated forms of planning, establish a private foundation to act as a tax shelter and as a charitable-giving device.

Business Tax Attorney


These attorneys usually deal with corporate, partnership, and income tax issues in the business context. Often, they will work in conjunction with corporate and securities lawyers to design deals, structure entities, and handle any corporate matter having major tax consequences. In addition, tax attorneys will work with lawyers in a variety of other areas of law where tax becomes a significant concern.

"ERISA" Attorney


These attorneys handle pension and benefit work and crossover issues between tax and employment law.

Why Simpson Tax

We focus on you. We know that you are busy and do not have the time to perform routine operations. Our friendly and professional staff is available to make the job on your behalf.




Total cases

We use technology to make your life easier. Clients can submit payroll hours and receipts and other information through our secure client portal. All information is stored on a secured network not accessible to everyone. We are also on social media sites such as Facebook where you can communicate with us




Happy clients



Our goal is the same as yours – complete the work on time.



Our resources include highly experienced accounting and tax professionals with years of experience.



We'll be here next year. We truly enjoy working with our clients and have a passion for delivering great customer service, that's why we are sure in our future.

Alex Dillinger

Estate planner

Dave Willson

Business attorney

Barbara Santa

Account manager